
<< 最終更新日:2024年03月13日 >>
科目種別 基礎科目群 授業番号 A0303
学期 前期 曜日
科目 基礎ゼミナール 時限 5限
担当教員 WEITEMIER,Adam Zachary 単位数 2



教員 所属
WEITEMIER,Adam Zachary 生命科学科

授業方針・テーマ Title: Freshman Seminar
Theme: The mind and thought  Credit : 2 
Instructor: Adam Weitemier

[Course Description]
People rely heavily on many mental abilities to move successfully throughout their day. For example, we understand when and where to direct our attention, we plan ahead and use our motivation to encourage ourselves, and we develop and reflect upon opinions that guide our behavior. In this course, we will explore research that focuses on human behavior and thought. Students will then work in pairs or groups to choose a research topic and also gather their own information to accompany it. Students will present their topics at the end of the course. Please note that this course will be given entirely in English.
• Students will learn to navigate scientific information, and practice critical thinking skills through analyzing research.
• Discussion and group presentations will give students the chance to exercise communication skills.
• Critical thinking during communication will be practiced through group research, discussion and evaluation of presentations by other groups.
• Students will also have the opportunity to collect and present their own data.
The basic workflow will be:
Reading analysis -> general opening discussion on the topics -> class research techniques-> assignment of groups -> deciding research topic - > group research -> presentations. Regular lectures and activities will be conducted during this work flow.

[Tentative Course Schedule]

1. Orientation '基礎ゼミナールガイダンス'
2. Research Approaches
3. Research Analysis
4. Introduction to Topics
5. Technique Introduction
6. Technique Practice
7. Project Explanation and Planning
8. Group Research Work
9. Group Research Work
10. Presentation Preparation
11. Group Research work
12. Group Research Work
13. Student Presentations
14. Student Presentations
15. Review Discussion
授業外学習 [out of class activity requirement]
Homework assignments, such as reading articles and writing short reports, will be given. Research outside of class will be also required.
テキスト・参考書等 [Textbooks/Materials]
Reading material to be distributed throughout the course.
成績評価方法 [Assessment]
Class attendance & participation 70%. Presentations 30%.
[Instructor contact]
Available for questions/comments via KIBACO online system or e-mail to for an appointment.
[Other information and comments]
This course invites participation from all students, honoring student diversity and different points of view. Active participation in the class is essential. This course is offered in English.